Monroe Community College's Copyright Infringement Procedure

  1. Users of Monroe Community College (MCC) network and computing resources agree to abide by copyright law.
  2. Termination of Access – Monroe Community College reserves the right to terminate access by, or the account of, repeated infringers of copyright law in the event that a valid notice of infringement is received by the designated agent.
  3. Designated Agent – The agent designated to receive notification (on file with the U.S. Copyright Office) of claimed infringement and to send notice to affected subscribers is:

    Patrick J. Morris
    Monroe Community College
    1000 East Henrietta Road
    Rochester, NY 14623-5780
    Phone: (585) 292-3024

  4. Valid notice of infringement – To be a valid notice, the communication must contain the following requirements:
    1. The name, address and a physical or electronic signature of the complainant
    2. Identification of the copyrighted work
    3. Identification of the material claimed to infringe on the owner's copyright
    4. Information enabling MCC to contact the complainant
    5. A statement of the complainant’s good faith belief that use of the challenged material is not authorized by the owner, the owner's agent or by law
    6. A statement that the information in the complaint is accurate, and under penalty of perjury that the complainant is authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner

  5. Notices that comply ONLY with (2), (3) and (4), (above) do not constitute a “notice” under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act if Monroe Community College has made reasonable efforts to contact the complainant and obtain a notice that complies with all of the required elements 1 – 6.
  6. Take down and restoration procedures – If Monroe Community College receives a valid notice from a copyright owner that substantially complies with the requirements spelled out above, it will expeditiously remove or disable access to the challenged material and notify the subscriber of this action. The subscriber has the opportunity to provide Monroe Community College with a counter-notification disputing the claim of infringement. If a counter-notice is received, Monroe Community College will provide a copy to the complainant, informing them that the material challenged will be restored within fourteen (14) business days.